We’re saluting our Police, Firefighters, teachers/school staff, and First Responders at church during our services! Join us at any of our service locations and help host them for refreshments and snacks in the lobby. Bring energy bars, pre-packaged snacks, canned juice or bottled water – and help us to bless our teachers, police officers, firefighters, and more in our communities.

Bless and serve people in your circles – neighborhood, workplace, sports teams, where you shop, and more. Encourage someone, purchase coffee for a stranger, help your neighbor with his yard – ask God and he will provide ways to bless others!

Select a Kupuna Need at any of our services or locations between March 10-16 and help assist our golden generation in our communities! Take part in yard work, garage cleaning, dump runs, and more – and bless our kupuna!

Let’s bless our Youth Ministry by throwing them a party at Youth Service!

Encouragement, drive-by our locations for prayer & coffee, and more!
Inspire Mililani – 7:00am-9:30am

Bless and serve people in your circles – neighborhood, workplace, sports teams, where you shop, and more. Encourage someone, purchase coffee for a stranger, help your neighbor with his yard – ask God and he will provide ways to bless others!

Serve and be a part of our teams that will be doing a massive clean-up in Waipahu!
Love Your Community –
96797 Clean-Up Day
March 16 (Saturday)
9:00am – 11:30am
Make a difference and love your city!!